Our commitment to

patient care remains as strong today as when we first opened

almost 40 years ago.

Manor House Practice

We provide a wide spectrum of the most main stream complementary therapies. Patients who are suffering from certain conditions will be able to choose from several therapies for treatment i.e. back pain patients can chose from Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Chinese Acupuncture, or Sports Massage Therapy for treatment.

To help you chose which therapy is right for you for your condition read through the therapy explanations or if you require further assistance call and speak to the receptionist.

More About Manor House Practice

Osteopathy was joined by herbal medicine and Chinese acupuncture in 2000 and subsequently moved to our present location in Manor House Lane, Beccles in order to expand our treatments available with our new found spacious practice.

Manor House Practice is located in the up and coming part of town in a busy walk through from Tesco to New Look. We are next to Fat Face and surrounded by quality boutique shops so patients can now combine coming to Beccles for a treatment with a quick shop.

The original Osteopathic practice was established in the early 70’s but since becoming Managing Director Kathryn has developed Manor House into a multi-practitioner, multi-disciplinary Complementary Healthcare Practice that is committed to increasing services offered and appointment times available while maintaining the practices superb reputation for quality patient care.